
In the collaborative journey of bringing ProTA to life, a dedicated group of individuals has contributed their time, expertise, and passion. Their collective efforts have played a vital role in shaping the mod and enhancing the Total Annihilation experience. Here, we express our sincere gratitude to those whose contributions have been instrumental in the development and success of ProTA.

This mod has been fine-tuned and play-tested by an all-star cast of OTA commanders:

In addition to the help of the play-testers, the mod would not have been possible without the efforts of the following people:

We extend our gratitude to anyone inadvertently omitted from this list. Your contributions have been invaluable to the success of ProTA. A heartfelt thank you to all players, casters, map makers, feedback contributors, content creators, and everyone who has lent their support in any form. Your collective efforts have played a significant role in shaping the success of ProTA, and we appreciate your dedication to the Total Annihilation community.